와 완전 남자 차다잉..
미국 캘리포니아 주 LA에 있는 핸드메이드 자동차회사 아이콘. 최근 프로젝트로 빈티지 스타일의 자동차를 공개하였다. 디자인은 옛 포드의 브랑코를 기반으로 제작되었다고 한다. 사양은 5.0리터 v8 엔진. 412마력 390파운드-피트 토크, 5단 수동기어. 4륜구동 휠드라이브. 가격은 150,000달러.
We're constantly saddled with remakes no one wants: the 2002 Ford Thunderbird, say, or the Footloose redux. But for years we've been jonesing for a revived version of the original 1966 Ford Bronco. Thanks to Icon, an L.A.-based boutique manufacturer of industrial-grade SUVs, it's back and more beastly than we remember. The body panels come from lightly worn vintage Broncos, but the rest is all brand-new, including axles from a military supplier and the 420-hp V-8 engine. The cabin keeps with the utilitarian theme: You stare at gauges inspired by Bell & Ross's pilot watches and sit on woven Chilewich vinyl because, as Icon founder Jonathan Ward says, "Leather doesn't last for shit." The result is a reincarnated Bronco with the original's fuck-you ruggedness ratcheted so high, you're not sure if you should drive it to the beach or the front lines.