Be Inspired/영상

슈퍼볼 CF 모음

RDRDRDRD 2011. 2. 8. 16:35

1초에 1억이라는 어마어마한 슈퍼볼 광고. 그만큼 각 회사들의 개성넘치는 광고들로 넘친다. 우리 나라 기업들도 단연 빛나는데, 오늘은 자동차 회사 광고들. 그 중에서도 내가 감명깊게 본 영상들을 스크랩해왔다. 다들 너무너무 멋져부렁(요즘 밀고있음)이니까 다들 꼭 보시길.

+ 더 많은 광고는

#1.Volkswagen Passat : The Force
This ad works and was a crowd pleaser before the game even started, mainly because it touches a pleasing note with people, especially the moms, dads and kids at which the ad is aimed. The ad also focuses on just one idea: make the kid feel great when the remote key starter fulfills his wish. It makes the viewer say, "Cool, is that standard?" And that's what you want, an ad that drives people to be curious and go on the web to learn more. Look for Passat searches to be way up this month.

+ 어린아이가 다스베이더가 되어 '포스'를 사용하는 모습이 인상적인 CF. 아버지의 배려가 멋지다.

#4 Audi "Release The Hounds."
The actual ad that ran in the Super Bowl was just okay. The longer form videos that can be watched on YouTube are better. Audi is really pushing this idea that its cars are somehow more "progressive" than ones sold by BMW and Mercedes-Benz. I am a little dubious when an advertiser keeps calling out its competition, but I like the effort to tell a big story in the big game.

+ 자동차 회사 특유의 '비꼬기'가 제대로 들어 간 광고 ㅋㅋ 근데 색소폰을 부는 사나이. 진짜 케니G 인가?

#7 VW "Black Beetle."
It's very bold advertising a car that won't arrive until fall. The ad had my attention, and showed some effort. I still think, however, they should have played off the original Beetle heritage for this ad in front of such a big audience.

+ 비틀의 모티브가 된 '딱정벌레'를 자동차마냥 표현해냈다. 사실 딱정벌레는 날아다니지 차암. 근데 정말 귀여운 발상.

#9 Mercedes-Benz: "Welcome To The Family."
This is one of those ads that works better in longer form on the web. But the sight of all the fabulous Mercedes-Benz vehicles from decades back is a nice sight indeed. The P Diddy joke at the end is kind of cheap, but we like the Janis Joplin track.

+ 이 CF. 괜히 짠-하더라. 신상 가족이 발매하는 날 다같이 구경간다는 가슴 따뜻한 이야기.

Bridgestone "Beaver."
I like ads that tell stories, and critters work in the big game. Tire advertising is really hard to pull off in a way that ties back to the product. I'm not sure Bridgestone is pulling that off, but I do like the quality of the creative.

+ 은혜갚은 비버. 비버 이빨 긔욥긔.

Chevy "Transformers"
What I like about this ad is the surprise of the Transformers gimmick in the midst of an apparent dealer ad. Nice execution on the special effects, too, while maintaining the video-look of the dealer ad.

+ 그 좋은 소재인 '범블비'를 쉐보레에서 그냥 둘리가 없지.

Chevy "Discovery"
So earnest. Just not very interesting ad for a car that has so many possibilities for good storytelling in front of a big audience.

+ 발견의 기쁨.

Kia "One Epic Ride"
This ad is just overwrought. Lots of graphic effects. Blah blah blah. Too much flash and not enough coherence.

+ 그 '차'를 갖기 위해서라면

Chevy "Tommy"
There was a good idea here for an ad that just didn't happen in a thirty-second ad.

+ 우리집의 만능 해결사 타미!

Suzuki "Wicked Weather"
Not only is this not a new ad, but yikes, it's not very interesting for all the special effects. The Kizashi is a terribly named terrific car marketed by a company that can't get out of its own way.

+ 사악한 눈사람 표정이 너무 좋다.

Mini: "Cram It In The Boot"
This ad for the Countryman plays on an imaginary Brit game-show to show how much the big Mini can hold. This was the best ad to come out of the brainstorming meeting?

+ 이번에 새로나온 미니 컨트맨의 실용성과 풍부한 수납을 단적으로 보여주는 CF. 발상과 표현이 너무 재미있다.